Physical Therapy
Are you looking for physical therapy office in Fair Lawn, NJ? Complete Care Physical Therapy is a physical therapy office in Fair Lawn, NJ with dedicated Physical Therapists who have been practicing since 1996.
Every day, people get sick or injured and these sickness or injuries have lasting effects on the body. The body naturally heals itself and tries to restore itself to a perfect state of well-being. This usually takes time and some help- this is why we have physical therapy. At Complete Care Physical therapy, the goal is to help you get back to full health, living without pain. Physical therapy may be required for different issues such as Neck Pain, Back pain, Sports Injuries, Hip replacement, Sciatica and much more.
At Complete care Physical therapy, we offer you:
- Personalized care based on your health condition aimed at recovery in a caring and therapeutic atmosphere
- Dedicated Physical therapists who help to preserve and restore body functions after an injury or surgery
- Constant monitoring and evaluation of our treatment method making sure they are in tune with the latest world practices and methods
- The latest medical innovation and technologies within our grasp for your treatment
- Develop and maintain a recovery plan dependent on each peculiar case
- Effective manual therapy techniques and exercise programs to restore patients to a healthy state
Steps to getting treatment
When your doctor recommends physical therapy and you come to us, here is what to expectA Physical Exam
Our expert and efficient professionals will first conduct a physical exam to evaluate the situation while taking note of your medical history. You may not like it, but you will need to go through some tests that assess your muscle and joint motion and performance, Posture, movement and flexibility. This is so the therapist can pinpoint the exact problem(s)The reply
After going through all those tests, you will get a clinical diagnosis, care plan and prognosis. Our therapist will also give you timeline estimates to achieve your goals in a short or long period. But the timeline is determined by the body part and illness being treatedThe Treatment
This period of physical therapy is for treatment and care using all the tool and techniques required to restore you to perfect healthStaying Healthy
After you get treated and get better, we recommend self-management strategies to help you stay healthy. We also train you in exercises you can do yourself that will help strengthen the treatment
Apart from having the best physical therapist in your corner, as a patient, you need a lot of determination and grit to overcome the pain and progress to healing. No matter how effective the team is, your input is required to achieve total recovery.
We provide physical therapy for the following:
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Post Surgical
- ACL Repair
- Trigger Points
- Myofascial Release
- Total Knee
- Hip Replacement
- Meniscal Repair
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Tennis Elbow
- Bursitis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Fractures
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Headaches
- Sports Injuries
For more information about Complete Care physical therapy office in Fair Lawn, NJ, call Complete Care Physical Therapy at (201) 773-0404.
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